Wednesday, June 22, 2011


hah.. three months already...
i want to write about many things..but, i hate to think about how to write it..
so, today, because nobody's here with me and i'm reallyyyyyy realllllyyy boring, i decided to merapu-rapu cket. so, this is summary about how's my short sem...

1) duit ada banyak la lagi...boleh le
2) rasa banyak sangat cuti..imagine, i only have two classes in a week, dah tu, x de la plaknak cari keje2 part2 time ni.. (banyak masa terbuang begitu sahaja)
3) mula-mula dtg, " warghhh,,aku dah banyak ketinggalan cerita2 Korea ni.. nak kena tgk..haha

1) halamak..dah pokai!
2) eh, assignment x wat lagi..
3) eh,, kejap la pulak masa berlalu..dah hari Isnin????
4) warghh,,,, dah x de sumber cerite, cane nih?? banyak lagi x tgk nih...cane nak donlod..

Friday, April 1, 2011

want some magics in your life??

You n me together, are not alone
abracadabrannsu....maliceius kurenmo....fuhhhh.....
long time ago , there's maid who loved to sing and she spoke through her singing. then, one day, a prince heard the maid's singing. they met and live happily ever after. done!
is life will be simple like that?
think of it again.
alright, people, now , listen to your heart, create your dreams, things will go on on themselves.. you agree with that?
hmm..not really..
i don't know..
full of magic...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


' use the terms I taught to you in the class to do your term paper, post-modernism, modernism, class struggle, secularism, inequality, the Age of Enlightenment, classic literature and.........................'
to have all this terms stick in my memory?' it's difficult but possible'. warghh..haha..that's not the real i would like change the order to 'it's possible but difficult'. now, the prior word is ' difficult'. (hehe) first, because, i'm not really into literature and if not because of this subject, i might never want to know it....(haha) kejam. if you give me poems, short stories and any other literature works, it will take a longgggg longggg time for me to discover the hidden meanings in poems, symbols, themes, and all that elements in literature.(haha), but, surely, I need to work hard on this paper to cover my poor marks in mid term exam. fighting!!!!!!

among the novels i need to know for now....

▲inconfidências íntimas

Friday, February 11, 2011


"Ya Allah..tenangkanlah hati hamba-Mu yang berada didepanku ini"...
Allah loves your mother, Rosatiqah.
hanya doa yang tak putus diperlukan.
al-Fatihah :

Surah 1 Al-Fatihah ( 7 ayat ) الفاتحة
1Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
2Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam.الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
3Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.الرَّحْمـنِ الرَّحِيمِ
4Yang menguasai di Hari Pembalasanمَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ
5Hanya Engkaulah yang kami sembah, dan hanya kepada Engkaulah kami meminta pertolongan.إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ
6Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus,اهدِنَــــا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ
7(yaitu) Jalan orang-orang yang telah Engkau beri ni'mat kepada mereka; bukan (jalan) mereka yang dimurkai dan bukan (pula jalan) mereka yang sesat.صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِمْ غَيرِ المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ

be strong. you are not alone. you still have your family and us as your friends.
berdoa agar rohnya dicucuri rahmat- amin

* hidup mati di tangan Allah. setiap insan akan kembali kepada-Nya. ingatlah kepada-Nya. sememangnya ibu bapa adalah insan yang sangat disayangi. berpesanlah untuk diri sendiri (afiqah).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


rasa macam nak tulis something hari ni sebabnya malam ni rasa tenang sikit, because esok hari ape??? hari Khamis :) i've got some assignments to complete but for now, my 'stresss' is on Novel's consultation for next week. sebabnya, until now, i still do not have any clear idea on what to show him during the consultation. searching, googling and exploring all the websites related to the novel to make my life easy (haha). kenapa masalah ini boleh timbul?

1) terlalu banyak berfikir (ceh, kononla)
* but it's true. when someone has too many ideas in his/her head, masalah ni pasti akan tertimbul.kecelaruan maklumat di dalam kepala hotak.

2) wants everything to be perfect
* admit it. sometimes i want everything to be perfect. but, of course it's impossible.

3) afraid to make mistakes
* that's the BIGGEST PROBLEM of mine. i know it. but susah sikit nak buang tabiat ni. so, kadang2 disebabkan benda ni, lebih banyak pulak salah yang aku buat.

4) banyak lagi...

* sometimes, kita sedar kita ada masalah dengan perangai sendiri, tapi ada yang x nak mengaku, dan yang mengaku pulak susah nak buang perangai tu. so, kesimpulannya, perangai dan pemikiran manusia ni sangat SUBJEKTIF and sometimes it's very hard to understand. belum kenal diri sendiri and confuse dengan diri sendiri.

Monday, January 24, 2011

mess up 2!

again. today, we did Mock Test to prepare for the exam tomorrow night. i made the same mistake like I did in my BM presentation. I did not read the questions and misunderstood the meaning of the words given. it's Arabic test. then, it was end up with soooo many wrong answers. fortunately, it was not graded. that's mean I still can reflect on myself." Where is the problem?" " Why I can't focus when reading and always choose certain sentences and words to read and try to generalize all the long-long sentences using the only words I see?" wow, THAT IS A LONG QUESTION. I guess i know the reason. ( muhasabah diri)

1) maybe because I don't like long sentences.
2) I choose only simple sentences
3) the big problem is actually, I don't like to read ( but, now, i am trying to read a lot)
4) do not really learn from the past mistakes ( pendek kata, kejap je menyesal), the kesimpulan is ' Read the questions in exam papers carefully' and 'Read a lot!'
.the end.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

not alone:park jung min: daebak!!!

k.dalam dua hari yang lepas, aku terlalu emo bila jung min wat comeback stage dekat KBS Music Bank. (hehe) . mula- mula." ehmmm..jung min je pon. biasa je kot lagu baru dia ni." (dalam hati-minggu lepas). alih-alih. WARGHHH!!!!! gempak gila! cayalah Jung Min. Not Alone! hebat la!
yang best nya pasal lagu ni, coz, lagu ni lyric dia by Jung Min sendiri. :( sedih dan menyentuh perasaan. tengok je la MV lagu tu. memberi semangat dan ispirasi! (ceh,heheh). so, sebagai tatapan diri sendiri dan ingatan untuk diri sendiri la jugak dan juga kenangan di masa tua aku, aku, semadikan( bukan nye maksudnye mati ye!, terlupa pula perkataan yang sesuai), snap shots Park Jung Min...

sebenar-benarnya la kan, aku malas nak mengaku, tapi, actually, dia ni boleh tahan jugak!(hahak)

and.bawah ni ialah lyric Not Alone! Hayatilah.....

That tired expression in your eyes always remain in me

Other than your breathe, I can’t see your image and too can’t make you stay

More exhausted now stop stop stop
Get out of everything step step step
There is no return even though ending it will cause tears

so I can believe I’m not alone
Not alone now, not sad anymore

and I can feel it I’m not alone

Definitely not alone, never be exhausted again

Now again down down down down no! no! no! no!
down down down down no! no! no! no!
Even if more time passes by, I’m not alone
Because of you alone I can believe.

As time passes by, memories of you still remain..
Still living within that traces even if I hate it

Time gradually stop stop stopGet out again step step step
There is no return even though ending it will cause tears

so I can believe I’m not alone
Not alone now, not sad anymore
and I can feel it I’m not alone
Definitely not alone, never be exhausted


Now never again down down down down no! no! no! no!
down down down down no! no! no! no!
Even if more time passes by, I’m not alone
Because of you alone I can believe.

Cannot even breathe in this gloomy night
Again I’m not afraid because of you

so I can believe I’m not alone
Not alone now, able to return againand I can feel it I’m not alone
Definitely not alone, never be exhausted again

Now never again down down down down no! no! no! no!
down down down down no! no! no! no!
Even if everything collapses I’m not alone
Just you alone is enough I’m not alone.
You’re not alone

the end.wassalam.

Friday, January 21, 2011

new videos!!

gi bilik Yana! hehe
tau la apo kojo nye janggg..
dgn si sitiii plak tu. maka, terambillah aku video2 n cerita2 yang sepatutnya ambil dan juga yang tidak sepatutnya. penuh laptop aku. (hahak). hmmm..bila pikir-pikir balek.."halamak, next week full dgn exam. hadoi. x leh tengok lagi la gamoknye." (tapi aku rasa akan tertengok jugak.wawaggaag). dah x leh nak prevent diri sendiri.

baca buku x sampai 5 minit. " warghh..boringnya buku ni" n terus buka laptop. hmmm..selalu. nak kena buang dulu laptop ni, baru boleh start buat keje. lempar dalam sungai Gombak ni ke...(haha)

ha, balek rumah nanti baru tengok la ye. next week.excited nak balik rumah, (konon-konon nak bawa kereta gi berjalan).tapi, tak tau la macam mana. nak tekan minyak pon terketar-ketar. entah pape ntah. bukannya takut diri sendiri jadi pape, takut kereta tu yang jadi pape, sebab kalau tercalar sikit..(hmmm.tau-tau lah sendiri)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

mess up

after a long break,,,i have something to post today..
it's about my presentation in Bahasa Melayu class this morning..
our group was given the task to explain and find and article that have kata ganda in it..
so, today we presented in class..
what happened to me??
i misunderstood all my parts from the presentation..
'kata ganda berentak'
then , PN.Khalifah ask me some questions..
'apa kamu cakap tadi?? cobak-cabik tu melibatkan penggandaan apa??'
so, my answer: ' hmmm...penukaran vokal... jadi penggandaan vokal cikgu. a kepada i..'
Pn Khalifah: ' penukaran?? kenapa penukaran? ini penggandaan..'
me: ' a'aaaahhhh.????' (start gelabah)
Pn. Khalifah:' cobak-cabik adalah penggandaan konsonan iaitu penggandaan huruf c'
me: '( gelabah. dah x paham apa cikgu cakap.malu)
Pn.Khalifah: 'kenapa kata ganda bebas ni diberi nama 'kata ganda bebas?'
me;: ' hmmmm..sebab perkataan yg satu lagi tu terbentuk daripada satu perkataan yg.......hmmmm.'
Pn.Khalifah: 'yg lain'
me: 'hah...yg lain."
(nasib baik betul....fuhh,,,)
dah duduk kat tempat aku tengok balik apa yg cikgu cakap tadi,, halamak
betulla, lain sangat tu' penggandaan konsonan aku gi cakap penggandaan vokal)wawawa....tension

so, moral of the story is baca betul2 apa yang ada dalam buku teks......jgn baca apa yg rasa nak baca je, yg best je,, nanti tertinggal point penting yg lain); aku mmg cepat gelabah>>hmmm
cane nak wat ni...